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Productions and Programs

Black Ink Theatre Company is committed to making theatre accessible for marginalized creatives.


Funds donated to Black Ink Theatre Company will be used to create acting opportunities for enrichment and development such as bringing in speakers and coaches and providing workshops and camps


Community engagement and networking opportunities are crucial for the success of theatrical artists. Actors, writers and crew alike will benefit from Black Ink Theatre Company productions. These shows that will be produced by Wanderer Speaks United will include licensed shows, original works from independent writers and youth productions.


To support independent writers and provide them opportunities, Black Ink Theatre Company will host writers' groups, have open submissions, host readings and produce productions of original works.


Societal changes take time and start with the youth. In an effort to introduce those who might not otherwise be afforded opportunities in theatre, Black Ink Theatre Company provides camps, workshops and production opportunities for all ages!

Black Ink Theatre Co.

Thank you for choosing to make a donation and doing your part to make theatre accessible and representation the norm!

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